12-12-12: Activism in Food, Environment and Human Rights

Written by B.T. Hill   
Monday, 10 December 2012 02:32
The date, 12-12-12 has been in the news a lot lately. In a purely metaphysical sense, December 12, 2012 is a time of great shift energetically on this planet. The wave of uprisings, world protests, and climate disasters, has all been for a reason: to raise human consciousness that things cannot go on this way if we are to survive on this Earth. According to doomsday theorists, 2012 is reported by some to be the end of the world. Some devout Christians believe that the "end times" are upon us; the return of Jesus is imminent.
I believe the energy of the world is changing. I do believe these are the "end times," but not in a sense of the Earth blowing up & angels appearing to carry off the devout to heaven. No, I believe it is a shift in human realization, in consciousness; belief that a change is needed in the way we must do things.
From what I have experienced in the last few years is this: The people of this world have come forward to speak out on everything from food, human rights, government abuse, the environment, ecology, war, climate change, religious freedom, corporate greed and wrongdoings in just about every category.
Over the last 10 years or so I, along with countless others, have waged a battle over food and the environment. We've taken on food rights, food manufacturing, "Big Food," food from corporate farms to advocate for the smaller, more environmentally friendly local farmers.
Farm and food activists have sought to inform the public about artificial ingredients, food safety, GMOs, GMO labeling in food, presence of pesticides, herbicides and chemical poisons in our environment, as well as our daily lives. Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer, DuPont and BASF have literally gotten away with murder, both on a human and environmental scale. Our world's environment is changing, people are dying in increased numbers from cancer and other ailments caused by our food and massive use of chemicals.
There have been protests at the FDA, countless state capitals in this country and around the world. We've fought for the release of activists like raw milk proponent Michael Schmidt & witnessed milk wars in Brussels! Movies like, "Food Inc," "Fresh," and "Farmageddon" have brought the public insight into the farm and food industry like nothing since Upton Sinclar's "The Jungle," in 1906. Luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz to Michelle Obama and the White House have gotten on board.
This is change - THIS is good!
The Occupy movement took hold and challenged Wall Street, the government and corporate America. The rallying cry, "We are the 99%" has made the super rich take notice. Our election, won by Barack Obama, not Mitt Romney, told of the rejection of corporate America in our lives. The Tea Party, Fox News and even good old Rush Limbaugh have taken a beating, and rightly so. It is past time that "we the people" take back our country. "We the 98%" must keep speaking out, telling the 1% that they should realize we outnumber them! Even the billionaire Koch brothers who spent millions on Mitt Romney's campaign didn't assure him the win. In the end it was we, the "little" people who turned out in force: women, immigrants, people of color, the working class and the poor along with the young and said: "Enough is enough!"
We must keep saying: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
From hurricane Katrina in 2003, to Irene last year and now hurricane Sandy, things are getting serious with climate change. We environmentalists have screamed about this for decades. Nobody paid attention. The oil lobby has fought tooth and nail, subverting every environmentally sound idea or product which comes along, buying votes, infiltrating government and bribing our lawmakers! Enough IS enough! Climate change is real, you buffoons! It's long past time to get serious! It may even be too late but we absolutely cannot ignore the earth's warnings any longer. This is real, it's not going to get better; the Earth is pissed off and in the end, good old Mom Nature IS going to win! There will be nothing that humans can do about it.
Around the globe, especially in the Middle East, governments have collapsed under the weight of protests. Again, the people are speaking out. Human rights can no longer be ignored. Oppression, brutality and evil in the likes of Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, and Osama Bin Laden cannot stand in this sweep of energy of world events. Humanity will no longer tolerate murderers who kill for the sake of killing or profess dominance of their kind over another, no matter what the religious or ethnic differences are. The energy of this world is changing and the "us versus them" must be overruled by simply, "us," "we," or "the people of this Earth."
I am sure that many of you can feel the change because we've been it in. It's not going to magically appear on 12-12-12; it's been changing for a long time. All one has to do is read the papers or talk to others. To me, things feel different - they have for some time.
Let us all, therefore, take a minute to notice change, to be the change, do what we can to help the change for the betterment of humans worldwide. Whether or not you actually believe it is happening, you can't doubt that something has taken place. It's an opening up of the goodness of humans, the desire to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. It crosses every boundary, speaks every language, is encompassed in every religion. The energy of 12-12-12 has been with us globally and will continue to be. 12-12-12 equals change for the good for the people on earth, the health and continuation of every being and miraculous function of this planet. It's the only hope we have.
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