World War is a Game?

Written by John Escher   
Sunday, 15 November 2015 03:12
"This is a game-changing moment."-- Andrea Mitchell

Yes, Andrea, the most recent Paris attacks are the beginning of World War III, which won't be a game, not even to you.

Let us as well blame other commentatoes filling space with empty catch-words along with Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and all other politicians who don't give a fig leaf for how the present worldwide situation came about.

It started with the Kyoto Protocols, or even before that with the invasion of Afghanistan by Russia and other nations for thousands of years before Russia and the U.S. did it.

The Kyoto Protocols? What, was Al Qaeda and the Taliban and Isil formed by environmentalists? No, but the Protocols first demonstrated to the world that the U.S. cared only about itself and that the American president, George W. Bush, was a dolt. His subsequent behavior would prove that premise and give rise to this question: Which member of the Bush family was most stupid-- Prescott, George H.W., Barbara, Jeb? Those in the know say that Prescott, despite accusations that he was a Nazi sympathizer, was best of these persons and the guy from whom there was steady familial decline.

The commentatoes meanwhile are drowning themselves in logistics once again, never asking how the terrorist attacks came to be as if hard-assed behavior at this juncture won't prove counter-productive once again. your social media marketing partner
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