Drinking the Kool-Aid

Written by Wayne R. Knight   
Thursday, 19 August 2021 02:58

We, the exceptional, the invincible, have lost yet another war.  How many wars will we have to lose before we, as a nation, are willing to accept the truth that we are not exceptional? Anyone who failed to predict our ultimate defeat in Afghanistan, at any time since it was first proposed, is suffering from the illusion of American exceptionalism and invincibility, and is ignorant of history - either that of Afghanistan or our own.

American warmongers are constantly beating the drums of war. In our 245 year history, there are only 16 years in which we have not been at war somewhere in the world. We are led to believe that we are exceptional, we are invincible and that we should lead the world to the light. But what are we really achieving? No one is closer to the light, least of all ourselves. For a few, there is great wealth, but for the vast majority there is nothing. The wars are waged at the expense of the vast majority while those who profit most from the wars pay little or nothing. All those killed and maimed in the wars come from middle and lower class families and never from the warmongers.

So why are so many so gullible that they are willing to swallow the propaganda and dance to the war drums when we know full well that it will cost them both money and lives and only a few will profit? Why are we, like the religious cult followers of Jim Jones at Jonesville, Guyana, so willing to drink the fatal Kool-Aid?

Wake up, America! Awake from the dream that we are exceptional, that we are invincible, that it is our duty to lead the world to the light. There is no glory in war, there is only death, destruction, misery and impoverishment. The only winners are the drummers, the dispensers of the Kool-Aid.


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