War in Afghanistan

Written by Lisa Beebe   
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 13:27
Afghan terrain is rugged and unforgiving. Taliban - Muslim. Al Qaeda -
Muslim, Does that mean they cooperate? Hell, no. Like Christianity. Do
Lutherans, Anglicans, and Catholics cooperate, collaborate? Hell, no.

All Muslims are not created equal. There are devout Muslims, MINOS
[Muslims in name only], and fanatics, extremists, and terrorists. The
Chriatians have their extreme element in fundamentalism. They blow up
abortion clinics and kill abortion doctors. That's terrorism, too. So
why are we continuing to fight in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is a lost cause. What can we win? A democratic Afghanistan?
Talk about long shots. No more Taliban-Al Qaeda connection? Get real!
No further attacks on our soil?

Time, money, and human resources are better spent on improved
intelligence and thus prevention.

Who's to say if we defeat the Taliban now, they just won't come back
when we're gone?

Afghanistan is a tribal country. We know nothing about that. We are not
winning hearts and minds with military force and violence.

it's a power, political struggle we can't win. Might need not applty.
Look at Vietnam -- a small, backward country that brought this
lumberiing powerhousw to its knees. The 'domino' theory applied to

This is said of Afghanistan, where the official literacy rate is 10%,
but in reality is likely lower. � How do you train such people? What's
to keep them from using their training against you? It's happened
before. Their mentaliry is quite different from ours. Something we seem
not to take into account.
This is a political struggle, not a religious one. Terrorism is a matter
for law enforcement, not for war. Religion is always an excuse, not a
reason. Peons will fight for their God, but not for their leaders' power
and/or money.

If Al Qaeda launched the 9/11 attack from Afghanistan [which I sincerely
doubt], how does collapsing the Twin Towers convert anyone to Islam? If
Al Qaeda is in some 70 countries, why are we trying ro wipe them out in
Afghanistan? To prevent them having a safe haven and training camps?
They can do that anywhere. Somalia springs readily to mind. Again, why
are we in Afghanistan when Al Qaeda is no longer there? Makes no sense.

And what about Osama? We say he's in Pakistsn; a high Pakistani official
says 'no, he's not.' Before she was asssassinated, Benazir Bhuttto said
he was dead. What's true?

The fact of the matter is we could have had him, but we let him go. Why?
I have
my own idea why and it's not mainstream.

Is he now irrelevant?

The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also
by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. -- Helen
Keller (1880-1968) American Writer

To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest
proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind. --
William Hazlitt (1778-1830) English Essayist

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