Being Your Sense of Humor

Monday, 29 September 2014 01:20
What if we all become too serious when and if we have children? Maybe when we have kids, we need to also be playful, along with our kids. Let's all give VIRTUAL "BIRTH" to the happiness that we were all meant to be. Let's all BE LOVE HUMOR AND Happiness! Yes, of course we have to have our basic needs met in order to survive, but what GOOD is surviving if all we survive to DO is to fear and to worry about the future, and regret the failures of the past? Let's stop taking money, fame and power so seriously and let's all start PLAYING and be our happiness!

I have spent too much time with my identities, now I really want to exchannge all my identities and just be happy in the present, with or without children. You see I have performed my various identities, I have mastered and experienced, all my identities, and all my identities BORE me, because I took my various identities too seriously. Now before it becomes too late, I want to PLAY with my identities! Instead of HAVING limited identities, I want to BE my limitless PLAY IDENTITIES. I want to PLAY with my sexuality, and with my race, religion, gender, class, ehnicity, language, etc. I am recalling what Thoreau warned: "I went into the woods to (con)front nature, to live fully, to learn all nature could teach me, not to find out, when it came time to die THAT I HAD NEVER LIVED!" (emphasis added)

For instance, taking or having my female gender seriously bores me, so I have tried "growing" (virtual) cohones, and even virtual cohones bore me, when I take them too seriously!I have tried living as if I am among the 1%, of course that is also virtual, because I have gone into "serious"debt, which I take lightly! lol! I have also tried being an alternate race, other than white, granted this has been "done" also virtually, bur because I'm a female, and a poor one-when I am paying cash for things, that is,lol it's ALMOST the same as being black, because being a poor white female, I am considered a second class citizen, and being older, I am practically invisible. Granted being almost invisible beats being profiled by our provoking police, etc. lol

I want to try dominating my consciousness, now, oth seriously and humorously (simutaneously, too, now that would be some multi-tasking! lol) because that would be a real CHALLENGE. Then, after I have dominated my own consciousness, I want to find someone to dominate my CONSCIOUSNESS in place of ME dominating my own consciousness! That would be a real romantic submission fantasy come true! First, though I would have to look for, and find, someone who has dominated their own consciousness, with serious humor or humorous seriousness, hopefully. They also have to WANT to try to add to dominating their own texturized consciousness, perhaps they will habe or be their consciousness "floating" with both gravity AND levity, hmmmmm? It may be very difficult to find anyone because everyone is so busy taking their IDENTITIES too seriously, without balancing their various identities with humor and light. Perhaps most people hardly know where to look to find, or give birth to etc., their limitless consciousness? your social media marketing partner
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