Chris Matthews Resigns

Written by johnescher   
Tuesday, 03 March 2020 09:19

Wow!  So Chris Matthews quit.  That seems significant.  His objection to Bernie Sanders certainly raised the question of whether MSNBC is being fair to Sanders in the heat of the 2020 presidential campaign.  Whether Rodion Raskolnikov likes it or not, I and many other people watch MSNBC and we like it a lot even though Comcast charges me an exorbitant amount for my internet service.

The antidote however for the Bernie-hating Chris Matthews negative moment, in my view, is not to send a drone over Comcast headquarters to blow it up or even to stop watching MSNBC along with never ever reading the New York Times and burning half the books in America's libraries.

Rather, one could still watch MSNBC and hope for more egalitarianism from Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Katie Tur and the other broadcasters there who don't seem like morons.

A dangerous word-- moron-- no doubt.  I'm constantly advised that I should be civil and not use it.  But there's no detection here of civility on the other side.  Exactly why am I supposed to fight with one hand tied behind my back?

Maybe I could get away with carefully defining what I mean when I say "morons."  Certainly not the retarded young adults I once house-parented in West Virginia.  They were so nice, so polite between psychotic episodes, such wonderfully uninhibited dancers when we, me and my ex included, all boogied together.

I mean people who oppose whole-hearted adoption of single payer right here right now.  That seems to include the whole Democratic field other than Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who started out strong but sadly pulled her punch on this subject.  Which means that of the Democratic candidates, only Sanders is not a moron, and he is not an idiot like those others too.

Anybody want to argue with me on this?  Donald, Rodion, Mike Pence, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, any former Democratic candidate for president?  You pay for the debate and travel and I'll be there.  I was for single payer when Ira Magaziner was its advocate, again the last round when Bernie lost to Hillary.  Well, what can a single little poster do in a website like Reader Supported News or Common Dreams?

Not much.  But MSNBC could bring in the well known passionate advocates for single payer to restore credibility. They do exist, you know. Have Michael Moore on more often to talk about healthcare and Bernie himself.  Make Medicare for all more of the central issue that it truly is.  For Elizabeth Warren seems absolutely right when she says it's now or never.

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