Science Today:- Is Our World A Cosmic / Computer Simulation ?

Written by !!!aasderitua   
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 08:40

(Are we controlled, programmed into a simulated World. Can we change the simulation to be a better World? This article covers the discoveries that cosmic ray particles have been proven to travel and act in the same way as a simulation grid/lattice- or a computer program which can only do what the programmer intended it to do. Also covers DNA sequencing stored on hard-drives and the latest discovery, storing music or an eBook for example on just one strand of DNA, and half a million DVD's on just one gram of DNA.)

News breaking today will astound you if you are not thinking out of the 'box'. To accept the latest scientific discovery, you have to think of the movie trilogy 'The Matrix' with Keanu Reeves. The movie delves into the scientific fiction theory that we are humans trapped in a computer driven and computer controlled World.

What you are about to read might enlighten you if you are in the dark. If you have been keeping up with science and computers you should realize that science fiction theory has now become science fiction fact.
German scientists have found that cosmic ray particles do not simply scatter randomly- they travel in a uniform grid, like a matrix or lattice- a multi-layered field of particles which mimic a computer simulation program which is programmed to only perform according to the programmer.

Before you read on furthur, do not skip this article link below:- The next paragraph is taken from the article below.

"If recent measurements of cosmic ray particles are correct, then we may have the first evidence that the universe as we know it is really a giant computer simulation."
(Scientists discovered that cosmic ray particles act and form cosmic 'waves' exactly like a computer simulation grid/matrix or lattice). -

After reading the article I realized that my suspicions of our connection to the Universe were true- we are subjected to a specific field of energy which are cosmic ray particles from our Universe- and the particles are not random particles flying in any direction without uniform arrangement. We are being bombarded with these space particles constantly, and in theory they could contain data.

Perhaps these 'cosmic rays' are signals, messages-or millions of computer programs which are designed for each human being, recieved through the human brain, controlling our every move and thought...Perhaps we really don't have true 'independence of thought and movement' . Perhaps the static field of Earth channels these signals to us as people- and we each receive our own computer 'program' - a set of instructions exclusive to each human which we simply cannot escape from?

By now you are thinking I've just written something from an existing article. You are wrong. My own theories are also included in this article you are reading. I have only copied the links to the articles and elaborated on the cosmic ray particle lattice discovery.

But if you are still sceptical about what humans are capable of- then look at what scientists have managed to do:- Scientists can now store computer data onto a single strand or molecule of DNA...whether it be an eBook or MP4 music or video file, computer game or other computer program.

"Half a million DVD movies stored on just one gram of DNA"

So- we have learnt that cosmic ray particles travel in a uniform (grid-arranged) field. We can store our own DNA sequences onto a computer disk drive...and store MP3 files, movies and books in computer code- such as Windows, Linux and Mac code. Amazing technologies have allowed human beings to advance- but just how far down the technocrat rabbit hole is our Planet Earth?

If it is true- we might all be controlled via a big transmitter in a far distant galaxy yet to be discovered. Perhaps NASA clings to secrets that we have yet to discover, keeping the truth from us of their discoveries of other galaxies yet to be revealed to us? Perhaps NASA themselves are controlled by this cosmic force, controlling them to control us, without NASA being the slightest bit aware that they are too trapped in a World, slaves to the machine for a higher race?

DNA Stored On Computer Disks:-

Does some super-human race in a distant galaxy control us? Do they have our DNA and can 'flash' our brains at the moment when we grow as a foetus to birth, to each be aware of our surroundings and program us to not question our existance as humans? It is true that scientists can actually store our DNA genetic sequence in computer code- a science fiction fact...

So if our DNA sequences are storable on hard disk as stated by scientists, then that data could be 'uploaded' to the distant galaxy by NASA for example...a definate science fiction fact. Perhaps NASA might throw some light on these facts and theories- or perhaps we are being deliberately kept dumb and stupid on these sort of technologies that exist. We can be cloned. We can be grown in an incubator.
Thus it ALL could be possible. Anything is possible. You just have to think out of the box- not 3 dimentionally but 4th dimention, 5th dimension...

There is not much more I can elaborate on at this time because I really am not an expert in this field. But there is something I could add- and that is we as humans have individual souls/spirits. We think independently and act differently, and very few people would be able to fully understand or get their heads around this sort of scientific information. There is no point getting upset or angry about readin this sort of information if you are 100 percent religious and think that science somehow destroys your faith.

You have to accept that the tools that human beings were given, the knowledge we are given is all a part of a plan- not a random plan but something bigger and more complex than just cosmic rays.

We are human beings after all- a skeletel being with a super-computer in our skulls called the human brain, which in reality could store all the information in the World in just one gram of our brain. Now that's something to think about. But we really don't use our brains to the fullest extent. We forget a lot of what we learn as we sleep- and no human can learn everything in 30 minutes- whereas a modern computer can have an encyclopedia of World History, scientific formulas and mathematic equations and all possible information known to man loaded into a terrabyte hard-drive.

But if you have the desire to learn for the fun of it- then you will master your own brain with the joy that you understand more than most people- and you can write about our World with precise detail and able to elaborate and discuss/argue your own opinions.

It's best to learn, accept the knowledge and integrate it into your life, be the best you can and do the right things in life that you might have learnt in Bible class (or whatever religion you are part of). Be good, kind, caring, considerate and helpful. We have our problems as human beings, but the real problem we all face are our Governments. Our politicians sit, cooped up in offices, weighed down with paperwork, and this sort of scientific conversation is not what politicians talk about in Parliament or Congress. Politicians talk about and deal with World issues- wars, economics, education, unemployment, social problems.

During election campaigns, in their air of bravado politicians always brag that they are the answer to the country's problems- and want to be the big ONE who brought peace, prosperity and equality to the World.
If a 'World at War' is a political ideal of achieving a peaceful and equal or fair World, then all is lost- and that is why as human beings who as a majority are not politicians can demand the changes that we need in our own separate countries. Without demands, there is no change, no way forward, and no difference is made to our existance. We cannot allow politicians or big powerful business circles to continue to shape our World into their own ideals, because it always leads to warfare.

Politicians and powerful big business seem to compete to be 'God' - just as some in the big finance and economics sector have claimed to be. They are not God. We are all part of God- and part of a scientific World, that is controlled and shaped by an external force. Which would lead you to ask the question:-
If we are controlled via cosmic rays or an external power- why did we allow ourselves to be controlled to become a World at War?

People from all religions usually co-exist in harmony- we do not start wars but wake up one morning to find a war has been 'manufactured' to suit a few business circles, and politicians merely dictate the reasons and conditions for the new wars. Politicians are just as dumbed down as most of the public- all doing a job, going home and allowing their brains to go to sleep in front of a television filled with violent programming and propaganda. It's no wonder that warfare appeals to young people- they grow up idealizing their action movie heroes, the Rambo's, the Terminators, the Vampire slayer-type movies.
Just when will the majority turn off their televisions and learn something new, open their minds and imagine what else there is in the Universe and beyond?

Most people wake every morning in a rush, and don't remember much of the day before. To learn things you have to want to learn, and remind yourself each day if possible to take the time and learn something new.
You can do it- your brain is a complex computer which can store millions times more information than we actually fill it with...
So, the nect time you hear a voice in your head- or a song, perhaps you are not imagining it, but receiving the information which is stored in these cosmic particles that are around us all the time, surrounding us and which bind us together somewhat.

Don't let technology and theory and discoveries frighten you or upset you, because all that we are and all that we know was supposed to be discovered, and we are still discovering each day new things.
As human beings we have the right and duty to shape our World for the better- it is time we took the privilage away from the dictaters and the control freaks and ended our wars, because there is more to life than warfare and economics.

Think of human rights, do something to improve your life, and if you can, improve other people's
lives- let's all just agree to not leave the fate of humanity and our Planet in the hands of the greedy bureaucrats and elite, or we truly are controlled within our matrix that we call LIFE.

These scientific discoveries of cosmic ray particles acting exactly like a computer programmed simulation- it opens up a new World to be explored- and we should use our imagination to improve, change and make this World better before we lose our chance as individuals. We are given about 100 years maximum to prove ourselves, to strive for something great, but many do nothing...and nothing changes for them.

The real question is- how can we free ourselves from this cosmic dictatorship and build a better World?

by Russell S.Wyllie your social media marketing partner
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