Are We PRE-ALIVE When We Are Fear Based?

Wednesday, 17 October 2012 19:38
Most women's (and now most "pussified" metrosexuals')judgments are FEAR based! So real MEN, are having a hard time being THEMSELVES around women and metrosexuals, because real men are instincually repelled by FEAR and want to take risks, because of the payoff of presentness, bliss and enjoyment "IN THE ZONE"!(In aporta psychology, etc., it's called optimalization or "FLOW")

Women, and metrosexuals need to get over their FEAR based limitations! Maybe women, etc., can do this by by being in touch with what they perjoratively judge as their own denied "dark sides". Women and metrosexuals need to embrace and OWN the existence of and risk to at least occasionally BE their own dark sides, and let go of HAVING a dainty, motherly, always PROTECTIVE, so calld nurturing identity, because THAT particular female and metrosexual identity has to do mostly with FEAR!

Women, and metrosexuals need to stop judging real men, because FEAR based judging takes away their own ability to FOCUS on PRESENT-NESS AND INSTINCTUAL ENJOYMENT! Also, women's and metrozexual's judgment and political correctness "addictions to all that is FEAR based is making it harder for real men to WANT to even SHOW their bliss from FLOW and "IN THE ZONE" presentness! (Proof of this is the presidential debates, where President Obama and Romney, et al self censor themselves to please the politically correct, instead of engaging each other "IN THE ZONE" type "dark side" Olympian Debate Games.

My theory is that as a result of women (and metrosexuals) ACTING as though they are better than real men, and, as a result of women (and metrosexuals) being indoctrinalted socially (and/or as a result of being a willing hostage in the "Stockholm Syndrome that is "The SAocial Contract")to believe that it is positive to be OBSESSED with FEAR! All hypotheticals ARE limiting and negative. TO BELIEVE THAT IT IS POSITIVE TO BE CONCERNED FOR ALL FUTURE POTENTIALITIES THAT MIGHT HAPPEN, IS ALL NEGATIVE BECAUSE IT IS ALL GENERATED FROM A BASE OF FEAR!

The same fear based living involves (ANAL?) retention of all past tradition and custom. HISTORY ITSELF,I am saying, is FEAR BASED! In other word, Both the past and the future are ego and drama and only present-ness is real!

Another way to say this is that REAL MEN EXPERIENCE PRESENTNESS alone, or in teams, like sports teams, etc. Real men are moatly unable to SHARE their presentness PASSION with women, etc., because women, etc., are SOOOOO fear based that they hardly ever risk BEING PRESENT! Women, etc., will too often judge men to be "BAD BOYS" when real men are just being PRESENT! Women will often judge real men's PRESENTNESS focus to be gross, or animal like, when, real men ARE just being THEMSELVES, namely living without FEAR, living without ego or drama.

It has been my experience, at least, that women and metrosexuals often criticize men when men are the most passionately ENGAGED!They will call these men immature, "peter pan" "boys being boys"! Even "boys of summer", etc., for the real men playing baseball! (I am reminded that Ted Williams was SOOOOO focused, in a "flow" experience (without ego and/or drama) that he was able to SEE the seams of the ball coming at him!) The name calling, far from being done in a playful, admiring way is, most likely probably because women and metrosexuals are jealous that real men can give attention TO themselves without needing ego and drama! your social media marketing partner
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