The "Patriotic" Stupidity of a Trump Supporter

Written by David Starr   
Wednesday, 23 May 2018 22:37

Donning a Trump hat, carrying the flag, and carrying a gun in a holster, a Trump supporter made his presence known at the Santa Fe, Texas mass shooting crime scene.

Why did he do it? He said to show support and to "make America great again." (Mimicing an already worn-out slogan doesn't help the situation.) But perhaps he wanted to do more than that:

1) He was "defending" the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

2) He figured that if someone like him was there during the shooting, the "bad guy" would have been killed by him.

For point 1, he's probably misinterpreting the 2nd Amendment, as gun nuts do. To quote:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

That is, the right to bear arms for a well regulated militia. The amendment is, however, archaic since we now have the national guard and a standing army.

For point 2, he would only make a dangerous situation even more dangerous if he confronted the shooter. It would be better if campus security and the police deal with a mass shooting. But tell him that.

Mr. Shoot-From-The-Hip would probably not be convinced of such reasoning. People like him–without proper police training–think they can handle the dangers of a mass shooting. Somebody forgot to tell them that this isn't the Wild, Wild West. These people are ultra-nationalists, embracing U.S. exceptionalism whether it be in a foreign or domestic situation. They pervert the meaning of patriotism, said perversion involving symbolic chest-thumping and a hatred and fear of those who don't look, act or sound "100% American."

This Trump supporter also wore a shirt with the word "freedom" on it. But like the 2nd Amendment and the meaning of patriotism, he may have misinterpreted the word and worships a perverted kind of freedom. Freedom to do what? To embolden racists and neo-Nazis? To open carry in public as a show of support, or intimidation? To defend one's rights even though in civilized societies guns are not flaunted about?

This is one more Trump supporter who is an embarrassment to the United States. There is this clinging on to old ideas or myths generated from past oppression. There is a fear of no longer being part of a dominant race because of changing demographics.

Trump hat, flag and gun. A toxic combination. your social media marketing partner
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