The Masses are A$$es... or... How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Fellow American

Written by Mimi   
Wednesday, 19 November 2014 08:13
Hmm... Now, I hope the term "a$$es" is not considered too derogatory for the blogosphere. I certainly don't want to corrupt the innocence of my dear, sweet readers. Keep in mind that by "a$$es," I'm referring only to what Webster's defines as "a long-eared, slow, surefooted domesticated mammal, Equus asinus, related to the horse, used chiefly as a beast of burden." Of course, another definition listed in Webster's is "a stupid, foolish or stubborn person." But it's all open to interpretation, right?

Nothing derogatory about that. But if it is deemed as such, please let me know before censoring me, and I'll use asterisks instead of dollar signs. But seeing this is America and all, I think dollar signs are a bit more apropos. (Or perhaps I should use the kinder, gentler term "arse?")

Butt (sic) let's get back to the topic. I mean, let's get to the bottom of all this... If you're wondering why so many Americans seem apathetic, uninvolved, complacent and downright ignorant of important political topics and current events these days, well, you see... It's like this: Back in the 90s, an all-female punk/grunge rock band called L-7 released a song called "The Masses Are A**es." (Hey, THEY said it. I didn't.)

The title says it all. Aren't we all A$$es at some time or another? I mean, just take a look at my frequent use of ellipses, for example. Does that not strike you as a bit donkey-esque?

Since html is disabled, I'll include the link to the song here:

"I still get angry,
I still get sad,
And the losers,
Still drive me mad,
And I wonder,
If I have anything to say anymore...

Except,the masses are a$$es...
Things still p$ss me off,
and things still make me cry.
Poetry's in motion, not in mind.
Poetry's in motion but not in the mind.

Poetic justice will come in time,
and I just have to laugh.
I just have to laugh.
Because the masses are a**es..." __L-7__
(Enter guitar solo and more lyrics, etc...)

Okay, so what does all this mean? Let me explain. The average person knows very little, and usually nothing, about politics. This is universal. It's not just true in the USSA. It's true everywhere. Everywhere.

And, no, I haven't been everywhere. So what do I know? I know this: Politics is the science of control, power, and management of people. Well, to be precise, one Webster's definition of politics is "the use of strategy or intrigue in obtaining power, control or status." If you're a politician, a manager or are in a position in which you need to control, manipulate or influence people, you might understand politics and how it works. Political Science is a subject that may be studied and learned, like chemistry, physics or calculus. Some people are naturally interested and are good at it. Others just don't "get" it. And never will.

So we wonder why other people don't understand the dangers of laws such as the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, et al. We wonder why people don't understand how dangerous our loss of civil liberties can be and just how scary things can get when we allow the government to act without transparency, without the oversight of the people. We wonder why people don't research candidates more thoroughly before they vote. Why are people so mentally lazy and complacent? Why don't they get involved? Are they sheeple? Are Americans stupid? Has the USSA become an idiocracy? Should I get rid of that extra "S"?

No, my friends. No, no, and no. I would argue that our fellow Americans--complacent as they are--are just like you and me. They are good people who don't understand "bad" people. They don't believe in conspiracies, in power-hungry, mean-spirited politicians or big-money corruption because THEY (the people) aren't power hungry, mean-spirited, greedy, corrupt or conspiring against anyone. And it's hard for us to understand people who are so very different from us.

People, this is good news. You see, most people have no desire to control, manipulate or wield power over others. Therefore, politics--and the study of control and management of people--is not something most people understand. Yes, I'm telling you that is a good thing. It means that most of us just want to live our lives, enjoy our friends and family, and pursue our happiness. Most of us don't care about another person's race/religion/gender/politics/lifestyle, etc. We're just too busy living to get involved in controlling other people's affairs.

So it's hard to explain to the average person that there are people out there who are different from the rest of us. Unlike most of us, they crave power and control. The control freaks comprise a tiny minority of society, but a tiny minority can cause lots of trouble in a society. (Read about the Nazis before they gained power in Germany, for example.)

Control freaks are consumed with fear. People consumed with intense fear or anxiety try to control everything and everyone around them because it comforts them, gives them the illusion of safety. But when other people are free, control freaks freak! And their fear of our freedom to act unexpectedly causes them to instill fear in us so that we can't be free. Fear is the oppressor!

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, UNJUSTIFIED terror..."(--Franklin D.Roosevelt.) Imagine, a President who didn't want us to be afraid! America, what has happened to us?

But control freaks can't control the world around them. And that's really scary to them. Uncontrolled, unmonitored, un-surveilled, we, the people, might do all kinds of unexpected things. The unexpected! Surprise! Creativity! Spontaneity! New Ideas! That's chaos!

Yep, "chaos" scares the heck out of 'em. They don't like democracy decrying it as "mob rule." (They'd rather a system run by a few, i.e., themselves and other control freaks like them.)

So, strange as it sounds, I suggest we not lament at the lack of concern on the part of the ma$$es but that we accept that it is a natural reaction on the part of ordinary people disinterested in power and control. It's a good thing.

Of course, those of us who want to make the world more just and democratic seek to mobilize our fellow humans to work toward this goal. We want to inform others, to get them involved. Let's not give up! All I'm suggesting is that we not despair and not lose faith in our fellow human. None of us is perfect. We are all ignorant and uninformed about some things. Yes, there are those who choose not to care, who are selfish and greedy. But there are also those who would care if only they knew, if only they understood what was really happening in our world.

We won't convince people to care by labeling them 'mindless sheeple.' But we have a chance if we recognize that most people simply don't understand sociopathy because they themselves are not sociopaths.

And I think we would all agree that that is a good thing, yes?

--Just another blogospheric rant from the convoluted, and one-day revoluted, mind of MadMimi. your social media marketing partner
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