What the Media Misses in the Cliven Bundy affair

Written by Frank   
Friday, 25 April 2014 07:36
I'm a bit baffled by the media's response to the high profile, cattle grazing dustup.

Clark County, NV rancher Cliven Bundy engineered a deliberately confrontative situation that could have turned into a Waco. He recruited hundreds of heavily armed right wing militants to point their weapons at federal law enforcement and land management workers.

They even forced the closing of an Interstate Highway, not far north of Las Vegas.

The leaders were so impenetrably dense that their spokespersons, such as loopy ex-Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, were vociferously proud of their tactic that put women in the vanguard of their formation so that government personnel would be less likely to take any aggressive action.

As Stephen Colbert joked, they might have put children in front of the women for even greater protection.

But when the possibly senile old racist "freeman" says something far less offensive than what he likely thought, about what he believes about black Americans, then his Fox and other backers, who had no problems with that phalanx of angry white guys brandishing scores of semi-automatic (at least) weapons rapidly bail on him.

So with Fox and their "Friends," political incorrectness is apparently and ironically considerably more reprehensible and indefensible than are actual homicidal intentions and preparations.

I am unaware of the presence of any media talking head, politician or even progressive leader who has pointed out this astonishing dichotomy.

Have I missed something?


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