The Shocking Ignorance of Kanye West

Written by David Starr   
Saturday, 12 May 2018 06:47

Kanye West has a flair for expressing ignorance. It's the world according to Kanye.

Kanye West "loves" Donald Trump, calls him his "brother," and says that both of them emit "dragon energy." West makes the unbelievable statement that slavery was a choice, saying that after 400 years how can it be not. But as Ta–Nehisi Coates wrote in the Atlantic magazine, "Like Trump, West is narcissistic, 'the greatest artist of all time,' he claimed. And, like Trump, West is shockingly ignorant."

Coates is also clear about the agenda of Trump:

"...the better banning of Muslims, the improved scapegoating of latinos, the endorsement of racist conspiracy, the denialism of science, the cheering of economic charlatans, the urging on of barbarian cops and barbarian bosses, the cheering of torture, and the condemnation of whole countries. Indeed, the rule of Trump is predicated on the infliction of maximum misery on West's most ardent parishioners, the portions of America, the muck, that made the god Kanye possible." Like hardcore Trump supporters with Trump, hardcore West supporters would probably support West no matter what he does or says.

While he is masterful at producing and recording, West would do his fans a favor if he stayed out of politics. And Trump should do the same so his supporters won't cut their own throats, i.e., violate their own class interests, and drag the rest of us down with them. West and Trump harbor the most regressive ideas, which is why West is unreliable with facts and Trump is dangerous as president. They both feed on their egos and expect others to follow them without question.

Coates wrote that West calls his struggle the right to be a "free thinker." Coates adds that West is championing freedom–white freedom. By making statements that compliment the right's agenda, and white privilege, West–with his "can't we all get along" philosophy–is actually copping out to that agenda and privilege. And the right is thrilled with having West as a token.

If West has anything more to say in the field of politics, he first needs to get a real education, because his ignorance is unbearable. your social media marketing partner
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