No more...Let’s Dump Trump

Written by Leonard   
Monday, 01 June 2020 07:18

Dear MSNBC, CNN and other reasonable news networks,

In my opinion, the time has come for you and your reporters to correct Trump every time he speaks...on his walk to a helicopter, at a podium in the WH garden, while signing an autocratic Presidential executive order or stimulating his base by adding to his 18,000 dangerous lies.  Enough is really enough!  If he doesn’t allow immediate corrections from you, just stop covering him, because after the fact pundit discussions don’t eliminate his lies from being presented to many millions of viewers who will believe him.

In the last 3 months many science and medical experts believe his delayed response to the Corona Virus has been responsible for tens of thousands of increased deaths and by not correcting or questioning his lies, on the spot, the Fourth Estate appears complicit in the deaths of these innocent Americans and global citizens.  Remember Trump said by April this virus would be just covered him.  Then he pushed spite of the medical community saying no...and still you just covered him many times.  Then he suggested bleach and ultraviolet light as a treatment for patients with the virus...deadly...and still you just covered him.  Then he pulls out of the WHO and an international consortium working on a vaccine...and still you cover him as though this is just another difficult Presidential decision.  And today, he claims his right wing MAGA supporters...including white supremacists...are great people, who love America and are "Making America Great Again," despite the obvious factual reality...and still you just covered him.  What will it take to stop you from just pointing your camera and microphones at this con-artist when he won’t accept your immediate corrections of his thousands of dangerous lies?  Dozens of psychiatrists have diagnosed him as a pathological liar and a sociopath, and the evidence for that seems abundant?

Just because our Constitution and laws are flawed...something most Americans just won’t admit...and we were unable to remove the most dangerous President in our history, is no reason the informed professional news media, acting as the 4th Estate, should continue to give Trump...and Barr and McConnell... a platform, without direct factual opposition. To not do so endangers the lives of countless Americans, destroys our democracy, ruins our economy and extends inequality to unbelievable levels.  If he continues to lie you must correct him at once, and over and over again on your broadcasts, every day and every hour, if you want to protect America and its democratic system instead of maximizing your ratings. You are still the Fourth Estate!

Here are just a few Trump items that can be argued you have inadequately criticized  throughout Trump's disastrous and horrifying presidency.  Think about how many of these Trump actions are opposed by most Americans and continue to throw US government functionality into complete disarray:

a.     Unusual support of Mr. Putin, a murderous dictator who is a clear enemy of the US and is committed to its disruption...including interfering with our elections

b.     Sexual assault and harassment of more than 20 women who bravely came forward to tell their stories

c.     Trump’s verbal support of the actions of Fascists and White Supremacists...particularly with respect to racist actions

d.     “Kidnapping” young immigrant children from their parents and caging them for months...or longer

e.     Withdrawal from the Paris Accord, against the wishes of most Americans and the science community

f.      Unwarranted criticism of our NATO partners and our North American neighbors...destroying our relationships worldwide

g.     Appointment of perhaps the most corrupt Attorney General in US history,  Mr. Barr...and yet, you cover Barr’s lies and public statements as well

h.     Appointment of numerous incompetent, unqualified, and clearly corrupt, Cabinet Members & Senior Advisors...some who go to jail and others who quit in time to escape prosecution

i.      Disruption of the Executive Branch's capabilities to govern...including elimination of the Special Pandemic Emergency White House Advisory Staff

j.      Weakening of the EPA and increasing pollution and global warming across the USA and the entire planet

k.     Nepotism in the highest levels of government...daughter, son-in-law, old-friends, spouses of Republican leadership...all inexperienced and incompetent

l.      Inappropriate use of the Presidential Pardon that can promote racial tensions and fears, while building his MAGA political base

m.    More than 18,000 documented, public lies to the US & world populations

n.     Firing the FBI and Intelligence Leadership...weakening the Intelligence Community because it dares to tell the truth

o.     Removing US Government Health experts from their positions because they disagree with Trump’s uninformed and incorrect but politically inspired public opinions...which you broadcast as though there are two sides to the story

p.     Firing Inspector Generals who are appointed to protect America from corruption and incompetence...including the Trump Administration

q.     Attacking his own political opponents though the creation of fake conspiracy theories that are aired by network news

r.      Authoring a huge number of reckless tweets that foster fear and division in the US population – a more divided and more violent USA is emerging

I learned about these items and many more horrific Trump actions by watching MSNBC and CNN programs on a continuing basis.  Enough is enough...if  MSNBC, CNN and other 4th Estate members can’t be critical of Trump in real-time, then you should stop covering anything he says because it is almost surely just another lie and will help lead to the end of the USA as a world leader and global partner in the support of democracy, security and equality worldwide.  On a positive note, CNN & MSNBC onsite reporters have been reacting quickly in opposing Trump's comments and actions in response to the current National protest crisis.

Note:  At this point, Twitter should bar Trump from use of their website.  Although not a news outlet, Twitter for example, should be considered complicit for any atrocities due to Trump’s recent threatening protester remark that stated “ when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” a statement that just inflamed and scared both protesters and law enforcement. It would seem that Trump’s tweets have done more than enough damage in the past three years to merit a complete blocking of his use of Twitter. your social media marketing partner
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