'Who Yuh Gonna Trust?'

Written by Marcello Rollando   
Friday, 19 August 2011 07:47

Whether Mitt’s Supreme confusion of what constitutes a “person” of interest or Bachmann’s over Elvis in or having left the building, give Rick Perry a break, as his broken link with American GW economy wrecking crew, has “Left Behind” this confused shooter. Like his cowboy predecessor, Perry struggles with English: I mean shooting off oral sticks and stones with right hand Bible and left handed gun, is easy fodder.

Not knowing difference between “treacherous and traitorous,” might be Perry’s residue from phony religious beating children to death with household utensils, phony grass roots Tea Party road show, led by phony patriots like Karl Rove raking in political payoffs from sincerely wealthy Koch heads’ multi-million dollar bus tours propping up political puppets for flag waving support of pretend patriotism, promoting Diablo duo McConnell & Boehner previewing us as Perry’s “Right” bulls-eye.

Under the gun barrel of such associations, President Perry could crosshair 98% of us from the Truman Balcony, much like the sharp shooting Nazi General Schutzstaffel in “Schindler's List.” After all, such cowboy states of mind, know how boys playing with their penis extensions pool the blood of others in foreign sand and on Dallas streets.

Understand, while “We the People” don’t necessarily get the government we deserve, we do get the government goliaths like AIG, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo think we deserve, including media and Congressional talking heads who, willingly lose their soul to gain the entire world. Thirty pieces of silver isn’t what it used to be, but it still induces the unarmed, under-informed voter into short term memory loss and accepting Cantor cancer tea in their diet of ‘America has nothing to be ashamed of,’ Michelle Obama.

If we want Obama to do what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did for us, then we’ll have to reenact “The Greatest Generation” and join him, sleeves rolled up and mega cups of midnight coffee, to review and renew government hiring Americans to rebuild America from the inside out: bottom to top. Like sixties and Wisconsin “Baby Boomers,” let’s stand united against corporations who outsourced jobs as the means to end government of, for and by the people.

Although duped sometimes into electing corporate puppets who can’t comprehend legacy of Founding Father’s government, we remain the world’s economic super power when informed voters elect sincerely civil bi-partisan Congresses who work in union with strong people oriented Presidents, producing FDR’s National Housing Act, GI Bill; putting Americans to work building mass transit options to Eisenhower’s Highway Act, tweaking LBJ’s Higher Education Act so college grads aren’t enslaved by Banks’ student loans; employing Americans to rebuild school buildings while hiring teachers who neither cheat nor teach to the test, but rebuild system through educated students.

Our 2008 induced recession was intentionally planned and executed by the malice aforethought and malicious intent of Banks, aided and abetted by a cut in GOP administration, a Congress on the take and a compromised Supreme Court.

If you think we deserve better: RECALL THEM!

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