Moving Forward

Written by Valerie Leventhal   
Friday, 26 August 2011 06:08
When the turmoil started in Wisconsin, alot of people asked why Obama didn't show up to help. At the time, I figured that he should stay away, because if he went, it would make the whole thing about him instead of the issues of collective bargaining and Democracy, and the media would change their focus to following a celebrity personality instead of discussing the important work being done by the people. As it turned out, the leadership of the pro-union people's movement in WI was hoping he wouldn't show up for these very reasons.

I know it's a stretch for some, but just for a moment imagine that the last two years of Obama's presidency have been a larger version of the same basic idea: if he threw his weight around and tried to make things happen his way, all the forces arrayed against him (including most of the media) would solidify, harden, and focus only on Obama. As it is, his staying slightly above the fray and letting the congress hammer out their own plans to move forward (or not) has led to 1) more awareness in the public mind of who are the good players and who are the bad ones; 2)the beginnings of some cooperation in our broken government; 3) a people's movement nationwide from the ground up which is what, ultimately had to happen before Obama could really pursue his agenda. Because he hasn't had the numbers in the congress, he really couldn't get things passed (even in the first two years, he didn't have a fillibuster proof majority because of the blue dogs in the Senate).

Add to this the fact that the Presidency is a really big job even in the best of times (if you're actually DOING the job), and this has been the worst of times on so many fronts that it's kind of unbelievable: the wars, the global environmental disasters, the economy, the list goes on and on, including, by the way, the disabled and underfunded agencies and departments of the government as a result of the Bush years. So, coming in, Obama had a huge list. You can't do everything at once, folks.

In the next few months I believe you will see Obama stepping up to the plate and rolling out all kinds of good bills and plans to move forward. The green industry and infrastructure bills will come out; the tax fairness stuff will be back in the forefront; he will talk to the people more and more about all of these critical issues. People will realize that in spite of media mischaracterisation and right wing talking points, he has been working hard since before he was inaugurated on the problems of our country.

Don't forget the man we elected - he hasn't changed. He's just doing the job we elected him to do, working within a broken system. Let's get on board and help! your social media marketing partner
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