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writing for godot

Obama, the Great Orator, Four More Years?

Saturday, 10 September 2011 16:12

Obama sure can speak well, and his words always inspire me, but where is the action? Talk without follow through is a bunch of hot air. I find him to be as worse as Bush was, and that is after having high hopes. And don't even get me started on the other ticket. What kind of choices are we getting here. None of them speak for me, and they are all insane.

Is it really better to vote for Obama, given the overall climate, etc? Yes,likely, given the other loon jobs and demagogues.

And it is past time for us to hold politicians accountable, and put their feet in a fire, and keep them there, at least the ones which should not just be in jail.

It is time for a revolution of body, mind and spirit. I don't see Americans sacrificing anything or compromising anything. We seem to all want to drive huge ass Cadillac Escalade's or Hummer's around, shopping for the cheapest products, and hiring the least expensive slaves, but, oops, we have a planet and people and environments to take care of if we want to have a future.

I just have little trust in someone (and a system) who surrounds himself with corporate creeps. Monsanto in the F.D.A? More war? And how about healthcare, or his stance on the ever safe nuclear power? Sorry, I expect and demand more from leadership than being an arm of corporate interests.

Repubs and Dems sure seem to be mostly crooks, beholden to corporate profits, and out for their own empires. YES WE CAN!!?? We need to take it back from the profiteers, before all life is toast. Jail the real crooks, end the wars, fund education and healthcare, and create local jobs. We could even start making well-made and repairable products, and build an economy based on conservation rather than wastefool overconsumption.

Imagine if you will, teachers, farmers, healers (or any other equally beneficial group) being the highest paid sector of the economy. Not possible you say? Well, it is all in what we value as a culture and, baby, from where I stand, or sit, or even dangle by a thread, it sure looks like what we really value as a people is WAR, excess profits for a few, and waste. How else can you explain how and why we let profiteers and terrorists make policy which serves few at the expense of "We The People?"

No, I do not just mean Americans, I mean, "We The People" worldwide. Don't exclude all living environments, all of which have a right to exist unmolested, without being viewed as resources with a $ value to be exploited. Don't exclude, or forget, all the people (slaves really) making all of our disposable products.

We are terrible stewards, professing religious and spiritual beliefs, while laying waste to nature which sustains us all. Functioning nature and community are real wealth, not the bogus "Homeland Insecurity" and fear or material conveniences, which too many have bought into.

Nature is my god and what we have is wastefool ignorance changing nature to the point where it will not support humans very well. Yes we can...... but, we sure are not, at least not with any conviction. Speeches and words. Obama can speak, and sounds great, but, and but, but, where is the follow-through, and where is the change in policy?

The system is corrupt, and the inmates are ruining the garden. Moo along, drive on by, and let's go shopping. Oh, and have you seen that new movie?

And please folks, let's not support fascist or religious fanatics of any myopic version, anywhere in politics. Politics needs to serve and protect the interests of long-term health, community, and sanity, for the greater health and integrity of the systems which support life. Make no scapegoats folks, except for perhaps the folks at the top... All professing, and all profiting...

What are we giving back? What are we producing? How are we living? It is us. We, who go along and allow our "tax" dollars to be wasted on war; we, who spend our money and keep it all going. All the hot air at the top is a sideshow of our creation, through our apathy, ignorance, and inability to demand: yes, we are; yes, we do; or yes, we is and am!

Wrong and evil is what it is, no matter how we couch it, and we are absolutely terrible stewards. I say no more war NOW and governmental policy needs to be about the long-term health, education, and equality for ALL. And blah, blah, blah, just a bunch of words. Let me be president and you will see some real change, and fast.

I am really curious if and what folks think we can do to change this insane system into something which will serve us into a healthy future?

Love your neighbors folks, and educate our children. Protect and build healthy community. Take care of nature. Everything else is hot air and an obfuscation of real wealth or security. your social media marketing partner
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