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The Truth: Will We Believe It If We’re Shown It?

Written by Nan Fandel-MacQueen   
Sunday, 30 October 2011 03:45
The Republican Party TV ad, "Matriarch of Mayhem," which is running in Massachusetts, positioned Democrat Elizabeth Warren, who is in a neck-and-neck race there for the Senate, as a rabid protestor who promotes physical violence to reach her ends. It is, as Ruth Conniff of The Progressive recently wrote, "a new low" for Republican political ads.

But really, if we've been paying attention over the last 20 years, it's just more of the same lies and subterfuge perpetrated by the Republican Party in order to win via dirty play.

Republicans have been incapable of addressing the nations issues ever since Nixon; all they know how to do (and they do it well) is to sling the muddiest bull they can at the best people who threaten their evil motivations.

However, in the face of this resides opportunity. Elizabeth Warren, whose life work lays witness to her fight for the truth, and all the Democrats, especially Obama, need to get really busy, pulling out the issues that are driving people to the fight against "The Street." They need to be out front, because they have the podium, and they MUST blast the Republicans for their self-motivated actions, things so dastardly, such as holding up unemployment benefits after Republicans caused that unemployment, and much, much more.

They must SHOW the people how the Republicans gave tax breaks to the richest and let the rest of us wallow in our jobless, ever-growing-poverty-stricken capitalist system that, yes, WE allowed to happen because we bought the Republican crap, slept through the fine print. Hell, we didn't even WANT to read the fine print so we didn't see it!

It's time to use the issues that haunt us as a result of the "bureaucratization" of America and STICK it to the Republicans. Slam them with the facts in TV ads, and do not stop. OWS scares the bejeesus out of them, for sure. So those who have the political power and dollars and want to win for all the right reasons need to take advantage of that. Go after the Republicans with the only real ammunition they won't see coming because they don't believe Democrats or the American people are wise enough or fearless enough to use it: THE TRUTH!


The Occupy America (Worldwide) movement is an historic start, but the voting populace has got to follow. So they must be told and shown the truth, the facts about who did what, why and when, straight out with the finger pointed at Republicans/Tea Partiers who pulled us down, and they must SEE it to vote against them. We're a visual culture, but we have been blinded by lies. Let's open up our eyes with the truth -- the issues that brought us to this fierce low and stole our democracy.

If we see it, if we feel it, if we're unable to feed our families or live in our homes, and if we know exactly who put us in this position, then, and ONLY then, will we put our democracy into action further and for real, beyond the streets, into the voting booths, to rid America of the worst among us: the Republicans who don't care a wit about anything but money and profit.

And that's far, FAR away from the democracy we are meant to be living and haven't for way too long.

"Experience teaches only the teachable," wrote Aldous Huxley.

We must believe that it's important, that it's possible, to teach America when someone is lying and when someone is telling the truth, because America has experienced the worst lies of its long history in the hands of the worst leaders: the Republicans, the Blue Dogs, the Tea Partiers, the elite panderers hungry for power, not for the health of We, The People.

It’s time we learned to SEE the truth. your social media marketing partner
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